Amazing August/Row 20212021-08-13T10:17:05-04:00

Amazing Row / Amazing August!

We are excited to be able to offer a hybrid event this year, with both an in-person single-day Amazing Row (for vaccinated participants) and a multi-day Amazing August. The Amazing Row will take place on Saturday, August 21st (rain date Sunday, August 22nd), and will be a round-trip 26k between RBC boathouse and Pittsford boathouse.  There will also be an on-line silent auction, and a party/picnic following the Amazing Row.  For Amazing August, your participation will be to cover the same distance (26k) as the Amazing Row in whatever manner you can, between August 1st and August 21st.  You can erg, row, run, walk, swim, bike, kayak, whatever works for you. 

Amazing Auction now open!

Silent auction is now open, and will close the evening of August 20th.  Bid early, bid often!

Click here to see the fabulous array of items on auction!



  • A long distance row followed by a party.  Push off from dock at 1:00 pm. Party at boathouse when we return,~5:00 pm.
  • Both sweep and sculling possible.  We’ll do our best to accommodate all (may require splitting seats).


  • Saturday, August 21, 2021, Rain date: Sunday, Aug 22


  • From RBC boathouse to Lock 32 (PIRC) and back (26km). Includes a brief pit-stop at our turnaround point.


  • Adult 18+ novice/experienced rowers and current LTR rowers.  Experienced rowers under age 18 may participate with parent participant.  All rowers must be fully vaccinated.  For novices/LTRs who haven’t done this before — we mostly row by sixes in 8s, so you can still participate!


  • $50 per seat, goes to RBC.


  • Sign up below for rowing!
  • Indicate sweep/scull (or both/either), side preference (if any)
  • If splitting a seat (or coxing one way, or switching sweep and scull),  please indicate in order notes.

The Amazing Row — Buy a Seat and Row!


No Seats Available

Registration for rowing is now closed.  Party attendance is still available!  (If you want to row, please email and we will let you know if there’s a seat available.)

Participant sweep or scull seat.  Choose ‘One-Way Sweep’ if you want to split a seat.  Please indicate who will be rowing and any additional information at check-out.  For split seats, indicate if you have a preference/need for outbound vs. inbound leg.  Your contribution is tax-deductible.

SKU: TARS Category:

The Amazing Row — Party!


No Seats Available

The party is welcome to all!  If you’re rowing, there is no additional fee for the party.  If you’re not rowing, or bringing guests, we are asking for a small fee to offset costs.  Either way, please use this product to RSVP, and indicate number of rowers, adult guests, and children.

SKU: TARP Category:

The Amazing Row — Make a Donation to RBC


Can’t make the row or party, but still want to support Rochester Boat Club?  Please feel free to make a donation directly to RBC to help keep our equipment in good repair and to invest in new boats, oars, etc. This product can also be used for your friends or family to sponsor your participation, or for general donations, which are always welcome!  Your contributions are tax-deductible.

(Hint: to donate $20, put 2 $10 items in your cart.)

SKU: TARD Category:



  • Complete 26k erging, rowing, running/walking, swimming, biking, etc. or any combination of activity.


  • Between Sunday, August 1st and Saturday, August 21st


  • Your house/neighborhood, the RBC boathouse, the canal…


  • All RBC rowers/fans


  • Suggested minimum donation of $20, other levels available
  • Encourage your friends/family to sponsor you!


  • Register/donate below
  • All participants will receive a certificate of completion/appreciation

Amazing August — Make a Donation to RBC


If participating in Amazing August, we suggest a minimum donation of $20.  This will help to keep our equipment in good repair and invest in new boats, oars, trailer, etc.  This product can also be used for your friends or family to sponsor your participation, or for general donations, which are always welcome!  Your contributions are tax-deductible.

(Hint: to donate $20, put 2 $10 items in your cart.)

SKU: TAAD Category:

There is no t-shirt this year, but we have a few left from 2019.  Get them while they last!


The Amazing Row T-shirt 2019 [TART19]


Still a few left from 2019’s Amazing Row!

SKU: TART19 Category:

The Amazing Row Women’s Tank Top 2019 [TARTK19]


No Seats Available

Still a few left from 2019’s Amazing Row!

SKU: TARTK19 Category:

For questions about Amazing Row/Amazing August, contact Tanya Baker (

For questions about RBC, contact